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Are you in need of a spiritual GETAWAY?Are you READY to enjoy life beyond the elements of your typical environment? If you are ready to relax, release, & rejuvenate, join us on one of our


With each retreat, we desire to guide you along your journey to discover whom God created you to be by obtaining the tools to walk in purpose, creating positive momentum and courage to become your authentic self. 

It's time to let go of past hurts, failures and shame and begin your journey into a life full of peace, joy and success.

relax. release. rejuvenate.

transformational retreats

The word retreat comes from the Latin verb “to pull back.” We believe nothing is more needed than pulling back from the day to day cares of life and being able to relax and rejuvenate for 5 days while awakening to your authentic self.

We oftentimes hear the phrase "being your authentic self", but do we really understand the meaning of the phrase? Do we even understand who we are as a person? 

Day to day life gets in the way of us identifying and connecting with who we are, as a result, our true identity gets lost as the years go by. Ones authentic self goes far beyond your career or the lack of. Your possessions, the roles you play- mom, wife, sister, girlfriend or manager don't define who you authentically are. 

   Our transformational retreats focus on you becoming your best spiritually, mentally and emotionally so that you can enjoy life and experience life triumphant over fear, disappointments, confusion and doubt. We want to help you identify and connect you with who God has called you to be, broadening your insight into your relationship with God. We want your thoughts, words and actions to align with the deep core of your beingHealing begins in your spirit man, so strengthening your spirit man through our spiritual enrichment sessions, chats  and activities provides you with the tools you need to transform your life and move from bondage to freedom, exiting from Egypt into your promised land!

awaken to your authentic self.

building a tribe


All major movements begin with a tribe, with a group of people who care enough to make changes, with a small yet powerful group of people who move and grow together. You will begin your journey connecting with women from around the world who also desire to reset their life and seek guidance on becoming the best version of themselves. Living A Real Life Retreat is not only about personal growth, it's about unifying and sharing our dreams, aspirations, and greatest fears while encouraging each other to grow wiser, and stronger and improve one's quality of life. With that common goal in mind, a connection is inevitable. Dive right on in, let your hair down, kick your shoes off and become a part of the Living A Real Life Retreat tribe!

"We don't travel to escape life, but for life not to escape us." As a tribe, we strongly believe in experiencing life as we never have. We believe that traveling the world and exploring all of its adventures and excursions is necessary for our growth. Every new experience together strengthens our bond as a tribe. We choose excursions to destroy fear allowing us to live life without limits. We have rafted in the white waters, kayaked in the calm seas, tubed in a raging river, watched whales in the Atlantic Ocean, rode a jeep on a mountain cliff, saddled up on several horses, relaxed in a vapor cave, soaked in a natural hot spring, put on our helmets and rode ATV's through the woods and even traveled 7,100 feet above the valley floor in a gondola! From Florida to Colorado and next year's retreat who knows- no matter where our exploration takes us, it's always amazing to share these new and exciting experiences together!

move from bondage to freedom.

all inclusive retreats

OUR RETREATS ARE ALL INCLUSIVE. Your retreat costs  includes 11 meals, snacks, drinks, five day/four nights lodging, spiritual enrichment sessions and seminars, health seminars, all excursions, transportation to and from airport and excursions, retreat t-shirt, retreat goodie bags. With everything being covered you have the awesome opportunity to relax, release, and rejuvenate.

Any food allergies? Let us know in your registration packet and we will tailor your meals according to your food allergies.


Make it a tradition, and as God leads become apart of the tribe.


 we have traveled to...

Orlando Florida, North Georgia Mountain, North Carolina, Tennessee, Maine, Colorado and NOW The Bahamas!

become the best version of yourself.


God has blessed me with the ability to see the true potential in a person, no matter how challenging their behavior is.  My love for helping people set and reach their goals in every aspect of life is what connects me to life coaching and gives me true fulfillment. I love causing people to examine their life path and think deeper so together we can create a path to the road of transformation.


I know the long-term effects of helping a person develop in a more personal informal way. God has allowed me to experience many different hurts, barriers, and challenges in life so that I would be able to support, develop, and advise other believers through a mentor relationship.



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